Volunteer packing boxesVolunteer packing boxes

What We Do

The Toronto Star Santa Claus Fund is a children's charity that provides gifts to underprivileged children over the holidays.

The Toronto Star Santa Claus Fund is an initiative of The Star Children’s Charities that provides 50,000 underprivileged children with a gift over the holidays.

Founded in 1906 by Star publisher Joseph Atkinson, The Toronto Star Santa Claus Fund has raised millions of dollars over the years and provided hundreds of thousands of children with a decorated gift box containing warm clothing, a toy, book, candy and dental hygiene items. In many cases, this may be the only gift they receive during the holidays. As a result of generous contributions from Toronto Star readers, past recipients, organizations and businesses, children are able to believe that Santa did not forget them.

Children’s names are submitted to the Santa Claus Fund by Ontario Works and more than 100 other social service agencies in Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, Ajax and Pickering. Several come from families who are struggling financially, may be single-parent families and newly landed immigrant homes.

During the campaign, daily stories are featured in the Toronto Star and on the Star’s website, the star.com. The stories reflect a variety of topics including the children who receive the gift boxes, the agencies that service these children, various fundraising events, donors who contribute, past recipients and volunteers who help with the program.

All donors receive a tax receipt for income tax purposes. Acknowledgement cards are available upon request by calling 416-869-4847. Unless anonymity is requested by a donor, all contributions are published in the newspaper with options available as follows:

Example 1: In memory of Mrs. Smith

Example 2: In lieu of gifts to clients of ABC Co.

Example 3: In honour of Ms. Jones’ 80 th B-Day.

By helping children in our communities, we’re helping to build a brighter future for our city and surrounding communities.

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