Toronto needs a wholesale change from the tight-fisted right

For more than a decade now, Toronto has had a right-of-centre or right wing mayor. How has that fared?

We have a decidedly right wing provincial government. How are we doing? The obvious answer is not great in either case.

We are dogged by serious issues that the right has not dealt with. It’s pretty obvious that the city has significant fiscal problems. We are required to either spend more than we earn or spend less and have the issues multiply.

And Premier Doug Ford seems to think the city is running “tickety-boo.” His accolade Mark Saunders seems to think the answer to our issues are removing bike lanes and hiring more security for the TTC.

I wonder where he thinks the money is going to come from for those promises, or maybe he already has a deal with Ford?

The only really honest candidate is Olivia Chow who says she doesn’t know what the tax increase will be because you don’t budget that way. But surely it won’t be the 20 per cent that the scare mongering Brad Bradford suggests. Can he do all he says he’s going to do with a minimal tax hike?

We need a wholesale change from the tight-fisted right wing ideologues that have recently led this city into decline.

Olivia Chow is a breath of fresh air.

Stephen Bloom, Toronto

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