For-profit health care does not lead to better outcomes

Ontario passes health-reform bill that expands private delivery of care, May 8

I am concerned about Premier Doug Ford’s plans to privatize health care. For-profit health care does not lead to better outcomes for patients, especially those who are already marginalized and lower-income. We should prioritize increasing funding in the public system, keeping our valuable doctors, nurses and paramedical staff.

I’m calling on the CEO of UNH, Kevin Smith, to speak out against additional privatization. As you mentioned in the Toronto Star, eye care, dental care and drug care are already privatized and we don’t have universal access regardless of economic status. If we don’t have that now, why privatize more sectors unless Ford can promise universal access.

Let’s keep medical care public and strive to make all sectors accessible to all, regardless of income.

Elizabeth Sproat, Toronto

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