A chill accompanies the phrase that signals the call for help when something terrible has happened. This new series features some of the most compelling crime stories in Canada, told by Torstar journalists in a narrative style that makes the stories come alive. Drawn from our rich archives, these crime stories are as engaging today as they were when they were originally published. As the series unfolds, we’ll explore Canada’s true-crime history, from controversial cases to mysterious murders, unsolved missing persons and notorious crimes.

Susan Clairmont Series: Secrets - The Jon Rallo story

Jon Rallo killed his wife and children. And it seems he plans to take some secrets to his grave.

As he embarked on a life after prison, Spectator columnist Susan Clairmont wrote a three-part series, called Secrets, in 2008, including never-before-heard details from his murder trial and letters from prison.

READ Part 1: SECRETS: Jon Rallo revealed
READ Part 2: SECRETS: No tears, no admission of guilt
READ Part 3: SECRETS: A killer finally tastes freedom
Wendy Gillis Series: Bruce McArthur Investigation

The frying pan was the only thing out of place. It lay in the middle of the kitchen floor, apparently knocked from the stove where Andrew Kinsman, a skilled but clumsy cook, could often be heard banging about.

READ Part 1: Inside the investigation
READ Part 2: How the smallest of traces tied Brice McArthur to the murder of Andrew Kinsman
READ Part 3: How the careful plan to arrest Bruce McArthur came undone in minutes
READ Part 4: Inside the final days of the largest forensic investigation in Toronto Police history
Cindy Williams: The Forever Girl

Smiling little girl on a beach; sun-kissed mop of blond hair.
See her in glimpses: Tartan dress, white socks and sneakers; a newborn in the arms of her beaming older sister.
Do not let the eye linger on the pictures.

READ Chapter I: Diane
READ Chapter 2: The Remains
READ Chapter 3: Torch
Jon Wells Series: Audrey Gleave - Darkness on Indian Trail

Even in daylight the house seems hidden, set well back from the country road called Indian Trail, the property cloistered among tall trees and next to a small cemetery.

Her home sits on the outskirts of the hamlet of Lynden, between Ancaster and Brantford, the nearest gas station 15 kilometres away.

READ Part 1: Who is Audrey Gleave?
READ Part 2: Eyes Wide Open
READ Part 3: Ominous Shadow
READ Part 4: Amazing Grace