The “mom types” of TikTok.The “mom types” of TikTok.

The ‘mom types’ trend is silly but irresistible. So which type are you: silky, crunchy, almond or … scrunchie?

“Mom type” TikTok trends are just another way women get judged, but when you break them down, there’s a little something there for all of us.

When you become a parent, you join a fun subset of folks chronically vulnerable to expectations, advice, snark and side-eye. Mothers receiving extra heat isn’t new — it’s just another way women’s behaviour is judged every day. Take the recent resurgence on TikTok of “mom types” with names like Almond, Crunchy and Silky (who’s coining these names — the nut butter industry?). Note that there are no equivalent dad types, unless you count the stereotypical incompetence-weaponizing man baby.

On the one hand, it’s all so silly. Mothers contain multitudes. I see the incredible mothers I know in each of these types and I’m in awe of them all. But these labels also feed into the very natural anxiety of wondering which type of mother you are and how you measure up, as well as the desire to connect with a community that won’t judge you. So no judgment. I’m a Scrunchie mom with a Crunchy underbelly, a Silky sheen and hopefully zero Almond tendencies. Let’s meet the “mom types” trending on timelines everywhere.


Crunchy moms have been around since the late ’60s, when flower children started having real children. Bohemian and laid-back — with few rules beyond the reduce, reuse, recycle — they’re connoisseurs of granola that boasts too many teeth-cracking ingredients. Crunchy moms fear plastic, processed sugar and “Paw Patrol,” of course. If you’re a Crunchy, you may eschew social media altogether on (legit) grounds that it’s not good for our collective mental health. If you are online, you rock steady with the homesteaders.


  • Churns her own butter, infuses it with herbs from her garden and gifts it to you in a jar she found at a flea market tied with a repurposed bit of antique ribbon
  • Buys only second-hand clothes for her kids, except for shoes — she draws the line at shoes
  • Can’t bring herself to do fast food and is considering going vegan (although she’s been seen in the drive-thru on a Friday night handing out nuggies to her overjoyed kids).
  • Takes pride is making things by hand and from the heart for her family, but doesn’t beat herself up about it


The extreme end of a Silky mom is one who uses and perhaps abuses every modern convenience. Not only does she use disposable diapers, she doesn’t pretend to care about how much plastic her kid’s butt has sent to the landfill. A Silky mom gets the epidural, vaccinates and medicates her kids, and lets them drink pop. She lacks the belief that women should fake it for public consumption; she refuses to do the dance of who’s doing motherhood better. Silkies are chill about everything from screen time to high-fructose corn syrup. They most closely resemble working moms of the ’80s who let their kids live free range and had a freezer full of frozen food.


  • Lets her kids have unrestricted screen time because she grew up in front of the TV and turned out just fine
  • Packs cartoon character cookies, pudding packs and salty snacks for school lunch because she knows her kid will eat it all and that’s what counts
  • Buys the sugary snacks and juice (they’re baby teeth, anyway!)
  • Has the house all the kids want to hang out at because there are few rules and a lot of fun
  • Does what makes her family happy because “life is for living”


Scrunchie moms are meant to be the relatable middle, the “every mom” halfway between Crunchy and Silky. The hashtag has found footing with women who don’t see themselves as extreme, but it’s also met with an eye roll — yet another invented label to pit mothers against one another.


  • Lets the kids watch six hours of movies on a lazy Sunday or a hard Tuesday
  • Makes incredible chocolate chip cookies, but sometimes they have carob and honey.
  • Breast fed, bottle fed, formula fed, pumped, dumped
  • Keeps meaning to donate the bags of clothes sitting in her trunk
  • Is happy with her choices for her family and is moving on from the mom trend discourse


These are the moms creating content from #GRWM to #nightroutine. The moms who rarely changed a diaper they didn’t document (“Can you poop for mommy again? Your onesie is covering the brand logo. #ad”). They’re also the moms who found a career that allows them flexibility and ownership, a feat working mothers everywhere can appreciate.


  • Asks you to sign a media release form to cover your kid attending all the events she’ll be filming, TikTok-ing and hashtagging for her kid
  • Goes overboard every holiday — even St. Patrick’s Day — in a manner that is simultaneously the most egregious display of consumerism and the most magical house on the block
  • Dresses her kids in clothes, shoes and accoutrements far cooler than your own (Does a baby need a fanny pack? Who cares? It’s free and it’s designer!).
  • Wakes up at 5 a.m. to exercise, meditate, journal, meal prep and shower before planning, shooting, editing and posting a Reel of the multi-layered fancy coffee she just perfected
  • Kills it at her job, racking up followers and fat stacks for her family daily


Almond mom can be traced back to a 2013 episode of “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” in which model Gigi Hadid tells her housewife mother Yolanda that she’s “feeling really weak” after eating “half an almond,” to which her mother suggests she “eat a few and chew them really well.” Might as well burn some extra calories with a jaw workout! Yolanda later poked fun at herself and explained that it was taken out of context, but a new type was born. Almond moms at their most toxic are vain victims of diet culture who inflict their issues on their daughters by being weird about food and exercise. At the other end of the spectrum, they’re more like the below.


  • Wears athletic gear at drop-off and then actually goes to work out
  • Has one of those TikTok pantries with everything labelled beautifully, especially the three kinds of almonds (which are an excellent source of protein, fibre, vitamin E, calcium TYVM).
  • Is …

a) on the cusp or is already a major (insert competitive sport) mom

b) may be reliving past glories

c) may tell you about said glories on more than one occasion

  • Makes meticulous lunches for her kids that do not contain processed sugar, but are packed with a lot of love
  • May be attempting to break unhealthy cycles and is doing her best to take care of her family

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